Explore the full spectrum of artistic expression in our week-long art camps for k-12th. From drawing still life to sculpting with clay, experimenting with mixed media and printmaking,the possibilities are endless! More exciting Fashion Design program is back!
*All courses are taught by Lulu.
*Small group, max 8 kids.
Fashion Design is always our most popular camp! We will work on a blue gown, starting from draft and pattern design, material picking, sewing, beading, embroidering, and finishing.
Age Group: (8 yrs old &up)
This summer, we will experience not only traditional paintings with texture, metallic paint, oil on canvas, also paint your tote, coaster design, paint on rocks, and other fun media.
(Age Group: 8 yrs old & up
This week is designed for young students who love crafts making and hand-on projects. Creating art and making crafts is not only develop students' artistic scene, also open their mind to explore variety ways to express themselves.
Age Group: K-5, Siblings are welcome.
Pokémon is already our popular theme in summer for all aged students to enjoy! We will learn to draw on your IPad to create your own stickers, e-cards, name tags, and many other cool items.
*IPad/styllus are required.
Digital arts are beautiful and trendsetter! We will use iPad and stylus(required) to create a lot of amazing artworks in this week even though you never learned art before!
*For experienced students, we will work on annual NASA Langley Students Art Contest.
Age Group: 8 yrs old & up
This theme is designed to introduce fashion design steps to young artists using a 1/3 sewing mannequin, starting with sketches, making patterns, choosing materials, sewing and finishing.
Age Group: 6 yrs old & up
This week is designed for young students who love crafts making and hand-on projects. Creating art and making crafts is not only develop students' artistic scene, also open their mind to explore variety ways to express themselves.
Age Group: K-5 Graders